• Wyoming’s first newspapers…

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:14:47
    Wyoming has the interesting distinction of having once been part of four principal annexations: the Louisiana Purchase, the Oregon Territory, the Mexican Cession and Texas Annexation.  It became a territory in July, 1868 and gained statehood on July 10, 1890. The “Leader” was the first newspaper in Wyoming, begun on September 19, 1867, the same [...]

  • Jack the Ripper… on Pinterest

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:14:47
    Jack the Ripper may very well be the most infamous serial killer in World History.  While others may have murdered more people, the terror he caused to what was arguably the most recognized city of the time is 2nd to none.  While authentic reports are hard to come by, The Times (London) did an excellent [...]

  • The Traveler… first female aviator killed… turn-about is fair play…

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:14:47
    Today I traveled to Carlisle, Pennsylvania by way of the Valley Sentinel dated July 2, 1912 where I found the report of the first female aviator killed. Miss Margaret Quimby and her manager fell 1,000 feet to their deaths as they were ejected from their seats when the monoplane that Miss Quimby was flying  was [...]

  • Not sure this one worked…

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:14:47
    Before the days of plastic surgery or rhinoplasty, here is how problems with the nose were supposedly “cured”. While subscribers were on the hunt for great baseball news, this ad is in the “Baseball Magazine” issue of June, 1923. 

  • Constitution for the “Philadelphia Dueling Club”…

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:14:47
    “The Courier” newspaper of Norwich, Connecticut has in its July 2, 1800 edition an apparently tongue-in-cheek report detailing the constitution for the “Philadelphia Dueling Club”. The fact that it was approved on May 32, 1800, and signed by “William Blood, President’ and “Charles Bullet, Secretary” seems to render this less than real, the content is [...]

  • The traveler… a presidential proclamation… some things never change…

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:14:47
    Today I traveled to Baltimore, Maryland, through The Weekly Register of July 18, 1812. There I found President James Madison had issued “A Proclamation” to the people of The United States for a day of Humiliation and Prayer for “… their common vows and adorations to Almighty God, on this solemn occasion produced by the [...]

  • Civil War Era Newspapers on Pinterest…

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:14:47
    We at Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers have made a brief attempt at providing an overview of the Civil War via images of historic newspapers.  These images may be viewed at:  Rare Newspapers on Pinterest.  We invite you to join with us in telling the story by going to www.rarenewspapers.com to find additional issues [...]

  • Rick Brown’s Primer on Collecting Old & Historic Newspapers…

    Updated: 2012-07-31 13:14:47
    Several year’s ago, a newspaper enthusiast by the name of Rick Brown had a passion to spread the love of collecting “history in your hands… from the day it was first reported”.  One of his efforts was to print a newsletter for the hobby.  An early entry was a primer on collecting newspapers.  While many [...]

  • Battles of the Civil War – Civil War Battles Graphic

    Updated: 2012-07-04 01:12:35
    Here, from the Civil War Trust, is a great graphic showing the tragic casualty toll of the civil war battle by battle along with other information: Brought to you by The Civil War Trust

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